Category: Top Coding

  • PersistentWindows 1.0.5 and other updates!

    Well 2014 has come and gone in a blink of an eye! Updates have been delayed due to various priorities as I was blessed with the birth of my second child the past year. I haven’t posted a new video, nor made updates to my little pet projects because it’s really hard to when you…

  • 100 YouTube Subscribers!

    Yay! So I’ve reach a small milestone of 100 YouTube subscribers! Besides the one or two friends that I have, most of them have discovered me either via the TopCoding video 1 or the RandomCoding Visual Studio snippets video. After creating another 4 TopCoding videos, neither seemed to have the reigning success of the first video.…

  • TopCoding Video 4 is out!

    All, the 4th top coding video is out for your consumption! Thanks for all the kind comments and video subscriptions. I hope those of you who watch it actually enjoy it! Good night world!… Read the rest

  • New year, new blog theme – Top Coding Video 4 coming soon!

    As I start to type this, I was informed that WordPress had a pretty significant update for 2014. So I updated and also decided to just roll with the default theme as it’s pretty clean. I just wrapped up solving the Top Coder SRM 604 1000 point problem and dissecting it for the next video.…

  • Top Coding Video 3 Uploading soon!

    Just finished my third top coding video. I really is encouraging to hear that people are interested, so I figured why not spend some time tonight for that. Apologies as I was using the newest version of FFSplit. I spent about an hour messing with the settings and hacking through some of the configuration file…