I’ve run across a mildly infuriating issue that I finally resolved. If you look carefully at the roof of the windmill in my level selector, you’ll notice that it disappears when I scroll up and reappears when I scroll down.
I’ve done many a Google / StackOverflow / UnityForum searches to no avail and it wasn’t clear to me how to solve the problem. I originally though it was an issue with me using a ScrollRect with a TileMap, but I took the content out of the ScrollRect, manually moved the camera to still see the same artifact.
It seems the actual problem is the hidden bounding box/size of the TileMap. In the inspector view of the TileMap, you’ll see no properties allowing you to see or change the size.
However, I was finally able to identify the actual problem by sheer luck. I randomly inserted another object further from the original tile that I had drawn, delete that same new object and retested the scene. With that, the tile somehow correctly persisted and displayed.
Looking at the source diff in version control I then saw the hidden delta in the actual scene file. It turns out that the TileMaps have a size property, so when I added and deleted the test object, it changed the size to accommodate the tile that I added.
... tile details ...
... more Tilemap properties ...
// Here's the magic
m_Size: {x: 1, y: 10, z: 1}
// Above!
... even more Tilemap properties
Before I added and deleted the random object, the m_Size property was {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}, notice now it’s {x: 1, y: 10, z:1}
My guess is that Unity has some definition of the TileMap size to be efficient about only rendering what’s on screen. I eventually report the issue, but I have a workaround for now. I hope this helps someone else chasing the same issue of disappearing tiles in TileMaps!
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